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The Greek Orthodox

Cathedral of the Annunciation

24 W. Preston St, Baltimore, MD 21201

Revised Directive from Metropolitan Evangelos of New Jersey

Wednesday, March 18, 2020 4:32 PM | Anonymous

Below is a revised directive from His Eminence Metropolitan Evangelos of New Jersey.

Revised Patriarchal Directive.pdf

You will be notified of the format of the platform, either Facebook or YouTube. We are making every effort to have this available to you.   

We will also be adjusting some of the times of the weekday services.  Our first service held in this manner is the Salutations to the Theotokos on Friday, March 20th.

Although this does not take the place of worshiping in our church, it is being offered in this manner to allow you to participate with your church family.  It is also being done for your health, and the health of others. I ask you to be respectful of this. 

May God bless each of us!
Father Dean

Greek Orthodox Cathedral of the Annunciation

24 W. Preston St, Baltimore, MD
(410) 727-1831

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