Presiding PriestRev. Fr. George Mastakas |
Office Coordinator Administrative AssistantErene Kariotis Sophia Cocca Cathedral Phone Number: 410.727.1831 Parish CouncilLay leaders of the community share in the ministry that has been entrusted to the Parish Priest and lay members of the church. Parish Council members must be in good standing with the church for at least one year, and are elected for a three year term. In their capacity as Parish Council members, they also share in the special task of Church management. Officers of the Parish CouncilPresident - Georgeann Morekas Members of the Parish CouncilPeter Campanides Cristian Cazac Melissa Hogle Evangelos (Geli) Ioannou Stella Hajimihalis Jenkins Alexander Klopfenstein Krista Koronios Nikki Monios Pascalis Papouras Melody Simmons Stephanie Smith Immediate Past President - (non-voting) Ernie Rafailides |