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The Greek Orthodox

Cathedral of the Annunciation

24 W. Preston St, Baltimore, MD 21201


As each has received a gift, use it to service one another, as good stewards of God's varied grace.
- 1 Peter 4:10

How do I become a steward of the parish? As Orthodox Christians we are stewards of the Church not merely members. Stewardship is our lifetime commitment to our Church that begins at baptism (Chrismation for some) and continues annually when we financially, physically, and spiritually contribute and participate in the life of the Church. Our stewardship commitment is made as a grateful response for what God has given us through Christ. All parishioners over 18 years of age who submit a stewardship commitment and remain current with that commitment during the year will be considered voting members of the parish. All members of a household who are over the age of 18 should submit their own stewardship commitment whether online or through the hardcopy form. More rights and responsibilities of our stewards are outlined in the charters and by-laws of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America, Metropolis of New Jersey, and the Greek Orthodox Cathedral of the Annunciation. 

What is our Stewardship Goal? Our Stewardship Goal is to fund Parish ministries 100% through stewardship contributions. Though we may meet our Stewardship Goal, we may still host the festival and other events for reasons other than fundraising such as fellowship, proclaiming our faith, etc.

Do parishioners need to fill out a stewardship commitment form? We encourage our parishioners to fill out a stewardship commitment form online or use the hardcopy in order to quantify both how many families we have in our church and how much revenue we can expect to raise through stewardship.

What if I cannot fulfill my stewardship commitment? During the course of a year, circumstances change. Your stewardship is valued because it is made out of your love for God and His Church. Please do not be concerned if you are unable to meet your stewardship commitment – we are glad you are a part of this parish.

 Become a 2025 Steward

 Become a 2024 Steward

Greek Orthodox Cathedral of the Annunciation

24 W. Preston St, Baltimore, MD
(410) 727-1831

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