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The Greek Orthodox

Cathedral of the Annunciation

24 W. Preston St, Baltimore, MD 21201

Parish Message - March 20, 2020

Friday, March 20, 2020 12:20 PM | Anonymous

Greetings in our Lord,

I pray this electronic communication finds you to be well.

Attached is a link for a message from me sent out on Facebook a few moments ago. It is a prayer that was offered, along with a reminder about services this evening. Click SUBSCRIBE on the YouTube site -

I invite you to join us on Facebook. If you have not “liked” the page, go to Annunciation Cathedral Baltimore – you will find the site. Make sure that you click on LIKE. It will be live- streamed and respectfully remind you that, in accordance with regulations issued by the State of Maryland, remain in your homes. We will be joined together in person soon enough.

I have also included a link for the service text for this evening for you to follow in prayer. You may follow this link -

Our parish has always offered assistance to those in need. If you know of someone who needs assistance in picking up groceries, medications, or running errands, do not hesitate to contact me. There are a number of volunteers that are ready to assist.

There is so much in which today we offer in prayer – and just simply as we end the service tonight, we say loudly, LORD, HAVE MERCY – LORD, HAVE MERCY – LORD, HAVE MERCY!

May God bless you and protect you!

With all my humble blessings and prayers,
Father Dean

Greek Orthodox Cathedral of the Annunciation

24 W. Preston St, Baltimore, MD
(410) 727-1831

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