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The Greek Orthodox

Cathedral of the Annunciation

24 W. Preston St, Baltimore, MD 21201

Sunday Bulletins - Click on the date to download the Sunday Bulletin

(Grayed out dates are unavailable)


January 5121926  
February 291623  
March 29162330
April 6132027  
May 4111825 
June 18152229
July  6132027  
 August310 1724 31 
September 7142128
October  5121926  
November  29192330 
December  7142128


January  7  14 21  28  
February  4  11  18  25  
March  3  10  17  24 31
April  7 14  21  28  
May  5  12  19  26  
June  2  9  16  23  30
July  7  14  21  28  
August  4  11  18  25  
September  1  8  15  22 29
October   6  13  20  27  
November   3  10 17  24  
December   1  8  15  22  29

Click on the Month to Download the ARCHANGEL Newsletter

(Grayed out months are unavailable)







Archive: December 2021

Cathedral News

  • Friday, April 15, 2022 3:23 PM | Anonymous
    Join us on April 16th for palm cross making and potluck in anticipation of Holy Week.  Liturgy starts at 8:00 AM and the event will follow shortly afterward (EST. 10 AM). No experience necessary. Stay as long or as little as you would like. Please feel free to bring your own scissors for the event. For any questions, please email Theresa Tsamoutalis at

    Sign up by following this link - Signup:

  • Tuesday, March 15, 2022 9:25 AM | Anonymous

    The Philoptochos will match donations received, dollar for dollar, up to $10,000 to benefit the relief efforts in Ukraine until March 27, 2022. The raised funds will be given directly to the International Orthodox Christian Charities (IOCC).

    Please write your checks to the "Annunciation Philoptochos" and put Ukraine Relief in the memo line. The checks should be sent to The Greek Orthodox Cathedral of the Annunciation, 24 W. Preston St., Baltimore, MD 21201, ATTN:Philoptochos. 

  • Sunday, March 13, 2022 2:52 PM | Anonymous
    Join your fellow Orthodox Christians for a prayer service at the Four Evangelists Ukrainian Orthodox Church beginning at 7:00 PM on Tuesday, March 15.  

    The address for the church is -- 528 N. Hickory Avenue, Bel Air, Maryland 21014.

  • Saturday, March 12, 2022 12:41 PM | Anonymous

    Sunday of Orthodoxy Procession — (Sun, March 13)
    Bring your icons and take part in the procession, commemorating the day that truth triumphed over falsehood! All ages. ↳ More Info

    Youth Night with Bishop Apostolos â€” (Fri, March 25)
    Join youth from the DC/Baltimore area for Vespers with Salutations to the Theotokos, and dinner/discussion with Bishop Apostolos of Medeia. All ages. ↳ Signup

    Greek Independence Day Parade â€” (Sun, March 27)
    March with our Cathedral to celebrate the 201st anniversary of Greek independence from Ottoman rule. Showcases ethnic, cultural, religious, and musical groups from the area. All ages. ↳ More Info

    Oratorical Festival — (Fri, April 1)
    Research a topic on our Faith and share it with our community. Our kids write numerous papers for school each year. Can we encourage them to do just one small presentation on our Faith? Grades 7-12. ↳ More Info

  • Monday, March 07, 2022 1:01 PM | Anonymous

    The Great Lenten season begins today.  Scripture, hymnology, and teachings of the church instruct us to enter this period with great joy.  It is a time of intense prayer, fasting, giving to those in need, and being silent.  It is also a time for additional services.  

    During this season, you will be receiving daily emails called Spiritual Wisdom.  Each of them are short messages for reflection and inspiration.   Take some time and learn more about the church by going to the Archdiocesan website, There you will find a tremendous amount of information for this season.

  • Sunday, March 06, 2022 7:51 PM | Anonymous

    Applications are now available - deadline for submission April 15, 2022.

    Scholarships will be presented in Church, May 8, 2022.

    For additional information, contact Deanna Sakellaris, Scholarship Chairperson, by phone at 410.591.6601 or by email at

    2022 Scholarship application.pdf

  • Wednesday, March 02, 2022 10:12 AM | Anonymous

    Join Father Dean and the devout faithful at the Four Evangelists Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Bel Air, MD, for a prayer service beginning at 7:00 PM on March 2, 2022.

    The contact information for the parish is - 28 N. Hickory Avenue, Bel Air, MD 21014. Telephone: 410-588-5885.  You may also view their website,

  • Tuesday, March 01, 2022 7:17 PM | Anonymous

    Join us on Sunday, June 5th at 3pm at Martin's Valley Mansion to celebrate Father Dean's 25th Anniversary to the Priesthood and his 25 years of service to the Annunciation Cathedral.

    Luncheon tickets are: $30/Ages over 12 ~ $15/ages 6 to 12 ~ Free/5 and under

    To RSVP, fill out the Ticket RSVP form located: and follow the instructions.

    Payment options will appear once your RSVP is submitted. Checks and Credit Cards are accepted.

    RSVP by May 14, 2022. Tickets will NOT be sold at the door. Tables consist of 10 seats. Tickets will be mailed out before the event.

    If you have any questions or for more details, contact Rhoula Monios/443-625-9898 or Nikki Monios/443-930-0404 or at


  • Wednesday, February 02, 2022 2:35 PM | Anonymous


    I pray this communication finds you to be well and in the best of health.

    Over a year ago, a wonderful movie depicting the life of Saint Nektarios called "Man of God" was released at the Los Angeles Film Festival. A number of our parishioners were able to view the movie which was shown only online, at 10pm EST. It was absolutely wonderful and gave a tremendous amount of insight into this saints life.

    The movie will be released for one day only in a number of theaters across the United States on March 21 for one day only. You will need to pre-purchase tickets for this through the website of the theaters.

    Here is the link -

    Most of the theaters are small, and it is not something to wait until the last minute. As of now, this movie is only available in this platform, it has not been released on any of the movie channels. It is a wonderful way to spend the evening with your fellow Orthodox Christians throughout the region, especially during the Lenten Season.

    Again, I remind you, don't wait until the last minute, or just show up at the theater. We have no control over any of this and are merely sharing the information with you.

    God bless,
    Father Dean

  • Thursday, January 06, 2022 7:04 PM | Anonymous


    Blessed feastday of Epiphany!

    Tomorrow is the feastday of the Synaxis of Saint John the Baptist. Orthros begins at 9:00 AM, Divine Liturgy to follow.

    With the impending snow storm that is predicted tomorrow, and in the event that Baltimore City or Baltimore County schools are 2 hours late or closed, we will not have services on Friday, January 7.

    I invite you to learn more about this Saint. We have enjoyed the series, "Be the Bee," produced by Steven Christoforou and our Archdiocese. You may follow this link to learn more -

    You may also view all of these videos by following this link -

    To those celebrating the feastday of John the Baptist, Many blessed years to you and all.

    Happy New Year,
    Father Dean

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Greek Orthodox Cathedral of the Annunciation

24 W. Preston St, Baltimore, MD
(410) 727-1831

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